The Hollywood ladies all want to be Wonder Woman. Even though a live-action take on the tiara-wearing, gold-bracelet-sporting, Amazonian superhero has been stuck in development hell for years, a wide swath of actresses has been itching to don that star-spangled suit and bring Wonder Woman back into the pop-culture mainstream. Beyonce has said she’d like a shot. Vanessa Hudgens wants a go. Keri Russell actually portrayed Wonder Woman, albeit in voice only for an animated DVD. Jessica Biel hasn’t ruled out taking the part. Meanwhile, Megan Fox has been outspoken in her criticism of the character. And then there’s talk of supermodel Megan Gale and “Legend of the Seeker” star Bridget Regan.
Of course, at this point, there are only rumors that a big-screen adaptation is finally moving forward. That hasn’t stopped another actress — perhaps an unlikely candidate for superhero-dom — from volunteering for the gig. “I want to play Wonder Woman really badly,” Jennifer Love Hewitt told MTV News at San Diego Comic-Con. “I want them to make the movie of Wonder Woman, and I want to play Wonder Woman so bad. That’d be really fun.”
From “Ghost Whisperer” and “Garfield” to a super-strong woman with an invisible plane and a Lasso of Truth? Hewitt told us she simply wants to do an action movie, mentioning “Tomb Raider” as another possibility. But she thinks she’d be the perfect fit for Wonder Woman, and she ticked off the reasons why. “Curvaceous,” she began. “Gold bracelets! Look at these wrists – tell me gold bracelets would not look good! And I love little tiaras, and Wonder Woman got to wear one of those. I’m very athletic.”
From MTV