Jennifer Love Hewitt is pulling out all of the stops to take care of her number-one client, her unborn baby, who will be debuting in December 2013. The Client List star is having her first child with her co-star and fiancĂ©, Brian Hallisay, and is also the face for the new Pampers campaign, Love, Sleep & Play. As Hewitt excitedly heads into the home stretch of her pregnancy, she can’t stop gushing about her baby — and her love for Parents magazine! She’s ready to play mom to her party of three and do all of the cute and mushy things that come with the job.
Congratulations on your pregnancy. How are you feeling?
I’m doing pretty good. I’m definitely feeling like I’m going into my third trimester, whatever that feeling may be. It recently hit me that I have a baby in there. (Points to her stomach.)
Now that you’re nearing the end of your pregnancy, describe the differences between the three trimesters.
The first trimester came with a lot of worry and questions. Since I’ve never done this before, I was thinking, “Am I supposed to feel this thing right here? Am I supposed to be feeling this sick?” Also in the first trimester, there’s not a lot to see. If you saw me, I looked like I ate a big lunch. The second trimester was like, “Oh, my God, I got my energy back!” I couldn’t wait to do a million things, including cleaning my house. As for the third trimester, it has hit me that this is almost over, so I really want to enjoy this because it went by so fast.
Fast but exciting?
So exciting. I can’t believe I’m going to meet this little human soon. It’s all so wonderful and great.
Have you had any funny or strangely odd cravings?
[My love for] the food that I’ve always loved has heightened. Mexican has always been my favorite and now I can eat it every day. I’m also a big avocado and strawberry person. I have to have them all of the time. I was never a cake person, and now I eat little pieces of it at a time.
Why is being pregnant such a special time for you?
It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and something I’ve waited a long time for. I feel lucky that I got to do it at this special time. For me, it’s particularly special because I lost my mom a year and a half ago, and she was my best friend. I’ve always wanted to be a mom because I want to give a kid all of the magical gifts my mom gave to me, such as love and friendship. She and I had this incredible connection that was so unbelievable. I honestly feel that this happening was a gift from her to me. I feel like I can begin moving out of my grieving and mourning period and honor what she gave to me. It has been a hurtful joy. That’s what makes this time so special to me.
Take me back to when you felt the baby move for the first time.
The baby is kicking like crazy while we’re doing this interview (laughs). I’ve never done an interview where someone is punching and kicking me from the inside. I started feeling the flutters a month and a half ago. The kicking I was just talking about is new. It started a few weeks ago, and it’s so crazy how much I love it.
Do you say something to the baby when he or she kicks?
As soon as the baby starts kicking, I touch my stomach and say, “There you are.” (laughs)
Has Brian felt the baby kick?
Yes. He just started to feel the baby kick, and he got so excited. Now that the baby is really moving, everyone can feel it and be involved, which is really nice.
What books or websites have you read to help guide you through these exciting nine months?
I’m not just saying this because we’re doing this interview, but Parents has been my go-to resource. It’s advice from other people, which I really like. Some of the typical books everyone reads are a little scary to me.
Some people play music or talk to the belly as a way to bond with the baby. What have you and Brian been doing?
I’ve been playing hip-hop music because I love hip-hop and I love to dance. I’m trying to make sure that the baby will be a dancer. We’ve been playing a lot of Jay-Z because [his music] has a good beat and bass. We want the baby to feel the good vibes.
Have you bought anything for the baby and, if so, what are your favorite products?
I’ve been using Mustela products for myself. They have a leg [comforting] cream that I use at night, plus a body lotion that I love. As for the baby, I bought Bellybuds; they’re headphones I put on my belly so the baby can hear the music.
Do you know how to change a diaper?
I do. I’ve been practicing with the Pampers Swaddlers because that’s what the baby will be wearing.
Are you ready to become sleep-deprived and play a lot of Sesame Street-type games?
I am. I’m ready to give a lot of love, lose some sleep, and play all day long.