Welcome to Jennifer Love Hewitt Fan, your largest fan source dedicated to Jennifer Love Hewitt since 2003! You may recognize JLH from her various projects, such as the TV series Party of Five, Ghost Whisperer, The Client List, and Criminal Minds, or from her film roles in I Know What You Did Last Summer, Heartbreakers, Can't Hardly Wait, and The Lost Valentine. Currently, you can see Love weekly as Maddie on the hit series 9-1-1. We aim to be a complete resource for chronicling Love's career, so make sure to bookmark www.jenniferlovehewitt.net to keep up-to-date on the latest!

September 11, 2009   Jennifer   Comments Off on Jennifer on “Ellen”

Jennifer is scheduled to be a guest on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” on Monday, September 21st! The show airs in syndication, so make sure you check your local TV listings or ellen.warnerbros.com for exact air times in your area!

August 29, 2009   Jennifer   Comments Off on Jennifer Love Hewitt’s new comic book whispers in November

Jennifer Love Hewitt is dead serious about her new gig as a comic book creator, and her first title is set for release in November. Jennifer Love Hewitt’s The Music Box from IDW Publishing is a 10-issue anthology series involving a mysterious music box that causes strange occurrences for the people who possess it. It’s not necessarily the most novel concept, as cursed objects passing from one person to another is as old as The Monkey’s Paw. It’s all in the execution.

And, Hewitt will have a role to play in that, too, as the issues will be co-written by Hewitt and veteran comic scribe Scott Lobdell. The first issue will showcase painted art by Michael Gaydos. Other issues will feature artists such as Casey Maloney (G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra), Adam Archer (Friday the 13th), and Joe Rubenstein. This could be a neat little 2D Twilight Zone — or it could be a hacky rehashing of old radio stories.

But Music Box offers something TV is afraid to do these days — an anthology series. Once a key genre from the 1950s into the early 1980s, anthologies are all but DOA now. And that’s too bad, because they offered writers a chance to let their imaginations run wild. TV execs now believe fans tune in only to see characters and need someone to tie themselves to beyond a mere premise. If that had been the thinking decades ago, we’d have no Twilight Zone, no Outer Limits, no Police Story, etc.

From TV Squad

August 28, 2009   Jennifer   Comments Off on Jennifer Love Hewitt’s New Comic Book Series Coming in November

Award-winning actress Jennifer Love Hewitt has joined with IDW Publishing and created Jennifer Love Hewitt’s The Music Box, a new comic series. Currently starring in CBS’s The Ghost Whisperer, Hewitt’s ten-issue anthology series details a mysterious music box that causes strange occurrences for the people who possess it.

“Jennifer created a really interesting premise for a comic book series and is carrying it through with great skill,” said IDW Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, Chris Ryall. “Each story tells a standalone tale and they are all linked together by this mysterious music box.” The Music Box will be co-written by Hewitt and veteran comic scribe Scott Lobdell. As each issue is an entirely new story, each will feature art tailored to that story’s premise.

The first issue, debuting in November, will showcase painted art by Michael Gaydos (Alias). Subsequent issues will feature other talented artists, such as Casey Maloney (G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra), Adam Archer (Friday the 13th), as well as industry living legend, Joe Rubenstein. “I’m really enjoying creating my very own comic. The Music Box is like a very fun nightmare,” said Hewitt. “It’s a frightening premise to have so much malevolent energy in an inanimate object, especially something that’s typically as benign as a music box. I’m so proud of The Music Box and can’t wait for people to read it.”

The Music Box presents a new story in each issue, as different people come into contact with the music box and have unique experiences. Be it time travel, alternative realities, or just plain evil, Jennifer Love Hewitt’s The Music Box masterfully weaves new and compelling stories with every issue. “Who knew that behind that sweet, million-dollar smile of hers was a mind capable of coming up with such dark and dangerous stories?” said Lobdell. “Fans of Love will be dancing to a new tune . . . one that’s played by this mysterious music box from who only knows where.”

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s The Music Box #1 debuts in November 2009.

From Comic Book Resources

August 12, 2009   Jennifer   Comments Off on Ghost Whisperer: Season 5 Preview

Last season Ghost Whisperer plunged into new territory by literally rocking the foundations of the series with a new mythology: love transcends death. When the show returns for season 5 this fall, it would be set five years into the future —in what promises to be a darker, deeper season of supernatural intrigue.

I won’t giveaway too much away but, obviously, since Melinda and Jim/Sam have already eloped last season, Ghost Whisperer season 5 is all about their new life together and the changes they have to endure now that their “special” child is born. “This season’s big story is going to be driven by Melinda and Jim’s new little guy, Aiden. Carl the Watcher told Melinda that her son would be able to do what she did, “and much, much more” — and he wasn’t lying. From the first episode — brilliantly directed by Jennifer Love Hewitt — it will become apparent what some of those gifts are. And that’s because, yes, we’re jumping five years ahead,” Ghost Whisperer executive producer P.K. Simmons wrote on his blog.

Bringing in a baby into the plot almost always ruins a show but I’m optimistic that this will open a lot of doors for season 5. It also fuels interesting storylines for Melinda and Jim, now that they’re parents who will be taking their parenting role very seriously. And since the baby is going to be able to see and sense things that his mother Melinda can’t, we can expect a whole other plane of existence that we never knew existed, including a dimension that is populated by beings both good and very bad —some of which don’t want to be seen at all. It’s actually very creepy when you think about it.

Ghost Whisperer season 5 premiers Friday, September 25 on CBS.

From Buddy TV

August 5, 2009   Jennifer   Comments Off on CBS TCA Party Photos
Appearances Gallery Updates

I have just added 68 photos of Jennifer from the CBS TCA party into our photo gallery. You can see all photos by clicking on the thumbnails below!

Jennifer Love Hewitt Fan Jennifer Love Hewitt Fan Jennifer Love Hewitt Fan Jennifer Love Hewitt Fan

August 1, 2009   Jennifer   Comments Off on Could Jennifer Love Hewitt Be Wonder Woman?

The Hollywood ladies all want to be Wonder Woman. Even though a live-action take on the tiara-wearing, gold-bracelet-sporting, Amazonian superhero has been stuck in development hell for years, a wide swath of actresses has been itching to don that star-spangled suit and bring Wonder Woman back into the pop-culture mainstream. Beyonce has said she’d like a shot. Vanessa Hudgens wants a go. Keri Russell actually portrayed Wonder Woman, albeit in voice only for an animated DVD. Jessica Biel hasn’t ruled out taking the part. Meanwhile, Megan Fox has been outspoken in her criticism of the character. And then there’s talk of supermodel Megan Gale and “Legend of the Seeker” star Bridget Regan.

Of course, at this point, there are only rumors that a big-screen adaptation is finally moving forward. That hasn’t stopped another actress — perhaps an unlikely candidate for superhero-dom — from volunteering for the gig. “I want to play Wonder Woman really badly,” Jennifer Love Hewitt told MTV News at San Diego Comic-Con. “I want them to make the movie of Wonder Woman, and I want to play Wonder Woman so bad. That’d be really fun.”

From “Ghost Whisperer” and “Garfield” to a super-strong woman with an invisible plane and a Lasso of Truth? Hewitt told us she simply wants to do an action movie, mentioning “Tomb Raider” as another possibility. But she thinks she’d be the perfect fit for Wonder Woman, and she ticked off the reasons why. “Curvaceous,” she began. “Gold bracelets! Look at these wrists – tell me gold bracelets would not look good! And I love little tiaras, and Wonder Woman got to wear one of those. I’m very athletic.”

From MTV

July 29, 2009   Jennifer   Comments Off on Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Comic Book Series Is A “Very Fun Nightmare”

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s comic book series is like “a very fun nightmare.” The “Ghost Whisperer” star was thrilled and terrified when she was asked to create “The Music Box,” a 10-issue horror comic about an evil music box, but is very proud of the finished product. The 30-year-old actress explained: “The chance to create my very own comic, and a horror/thriller at that, is like a very fun nightmare come true.”

“I’ve always been fascinated by the notion that an inanimate object can hold as much malevolent energy as a human being can. And when the two meet, or are at cross purposes, very bad things can happen.”

“I’m so proud of ”The Music Box” and can’t wait for people to read it… with the lights on, of course!”

Jennifer was recently forced to deny rumors she is engaged to her co-star Jamie Kennedy after it was reported he proposed live on stage at California’s Laugh Factory. Her representative said: “There is no truth to the report.” Jamie, who has been dating Jennifer since earlier this year, also blasted the engagements claims – insisting he would never have proposed in such an unromantic setting. He wrote on his Twitter blog: “There’s a lil rumor going round that I got down on one knee in Long beach. If I was gonna get down on one knee do u think I wud do it in the LBC???? I mean I’m down with Snoop but L Beach doesn’t scream Romance. I luv my girl and wen it happens you’ll be the first to know (sic).”

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