Welcome to the brand new layout here at Jennifer Love Hewitt Fan! The layout was designed and coded by my friend Claudia from Never Enough Design!

Welcome to the brand new design here at Jennifer Love Hewitt Fan! This beautiful header was created by my friend Samantha and the theme base is by Claudia. I hope you all enjoy the new look!

Welcome back to Jennifer Love Hewitt Fan!! While we are still on a temporary version, we decided to open it up so you can see what we have and check out what we are constantly adding! Let me go ahead and formally introduce the website staff – since before this re-launch it was just me […]

Welcome back to the new and improved Jennifer Fan Celebrating 3 Years Online . We have tons of new things coming your way that’s still being worked on but have patience it will all be worth it. We are looking for affiliates big time it looks like a lot of ours were dead links so […]

Jennifer Love Hewitt Fan is in the process of an upgrade! The site will be back into the full swing of things soon (Oct. 2007 at the latest) In the meantime, join the fanlisting and check out the gallery, which are both still being updated!

As you can see I’ve been horrible with updates. I’m sorry, I’ve been extremely busy with photography school and all that stuff. In May I want to start updating the gallery again. Maybe even a new layout? We’ll see. Thanks for sticking with me!

I am putting this website on an open hiatus. It will not be closing, and I am not abandoning this website. I am currently in the process of moving over 400 miles, and I will not have internet access for 3-4 weeks, maybe longer. I will try to get access to the internet every once […]